Death! Death! Death!

▴ Rigel ▴

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Main Twitter: @holopunk6Priv/Nsfw RTs Twitter: @secretcipherDiscord: [REDACTED]#3555

- Bill Cipher -

SOURCE: Gravity Falls

- A locked door to an empty bedroom.

- A feeling of indignity and disgust towards my parents.

- Having an argument with an octogon and a trapezoid.

- Sitting in a jail cell, filled with frustration and resentment.

- Laughing hysterically over a burning city, while my henchmaniacs chase down shapes and destroy buildings.

- Vague memory of visiting other dimensions, including one where I met Yung Venuz and Yung Cuz. I hated them, but I don’t remember why.

- Playing chess with Ford in the mindscape.

- Possessing Ford’s body and closely examining his fingers.

- Walking around Ford’s house in his body and burning his hand on the stove.

- Wondering if I could turn the people my henchmaniacs and I caught into chocolate. I could and I did, so we ate a couple people.

- Gleefully torturing Ford, trying to get him to give up the equation.

- Chasing down the twins in my nightmare form, completely consumed with fury.

- (tw: Gore) Catching Dipper, bringing him to one of my mouths and tearing off his head and part of his shoulders, spitting out his hat, and throwing him to the side to continue chasing Mabel.

- (tw: Gore) Due to her lingering to watch in horror as I tore her brother apart, Mabel didn’t run away and grapple up the shaft quickly enough. I caught her and repeatedly slammed her body against the wall until she was mostly a bloody paste.

- Bringing their mangled bodies back and flinging them in front of Ford. I screamed at him to either give me the equation or I would do the same to his brother.

- They pulled the same trick they did in source canon, I remember the panic and confusion as I struggled to find a way to escape, pleading with Stanley, and invoking the Axolotl spell, then being punched out.

- Seeing Ford and Stan fight a squid-like monster through Stanley’s eyes, very faintly.

- Tailgate -

SOURCE: IDW Transformers

- Most of my memories are canon material so I figure I don’t gotta repeat em here.

- Whirl was bigender, and mostly went by she/her.

- A couple of the times I called Whirl “Nutjob” was because I couldn’t remember her name…

- I was about as close to Whirl as I was to Cyclonus, we had a thing too but it was also mostly unspoken.

- Sitting by myself, trying to get a grip on my cybercrosis diagnosis, and wondering what really happens after death.

- So Many Mechs gave me piggyback rides, so many.

- A quiet moment alone with Getaway, just chatting softly with each other. I had felt so loved..

- Practicing tricks w/ my board!! It was awesome when I wasn’t wiping out.

- Staying the night in Getaways hab suite and doing, stuff.

- The ‘spark eruption’ thing Hurt, like really hurt. I was screaming in agony.

- Cyclonus started calling me 'little one’ more often after that, but only privately.

- He was also more touchy after that, a lot of comfortingly resting his hand on my head or shoulders.

- I sat on Cyclonus' lap as often as possible.

- Between Whirl and Cy I was almost perpetually holding hands.

- Sometimes I jumped up to hug Whirl and I would just, hang on, and she'd go about whatever she was doing while i clung to her waist. My helm barely brushed the bottom of her cockpit.

- Cuddling with Cyclonus one night, talking about how hurt I was by Getaways abuse and how horrible I felt about it being my fault Cyclonus got hurt. I cried myself to sleep, curled up against his chest.

- I didn’t hide and lie about the real reason I wanted to stay on necroworld, I told Cyclonus that Whirl had told me that I had almost killed him and that I would rather spend our lives apart than keep hurting him. We still fought and broke it off, but I never said I didn’t still love him.

- When Kaput told me the potential cure was ready, I almost told Cyclonus, but decided that I didn’t want to argue about the dangers with him or get his hopes up.

- Omnic -

SOURCE: Overwatch

- I was built after the crisis but before the London Uprising.

- I really liked dirty boxing, and used it to vent a lot of frustration.

- Initially, I only went to peaceful protests. After a while I got tired of being spat on and started looking into joining Null Sector.

- At first being a part of Null Sector was just strategically damaging property and attacking anti-omnic humans. As time went on, things escalated.

- When I was brought further into the folds of N/S, I saw groups of omnics worshipping and praying to the God AI. I was told "they tried to save us from human tyranny and will lead us to a brighter future." I was unsettled, but I didn't put much stock in it.

- N/S leaders were judging my true initiation of trial by combat. I was up against a much larger omnic that looked kind of like a trooper. He had me pinned, trying to drive a knife into my head. I felt a wave of rage wash over me and used it to unbalance them and reverse the pin, whaling on their faceplate until their head caved in.

- I faintly recall some sort of ritual. Most of it feels blocked out. After it, I began hearing whispers in my head from the God AI.

- Being a Null Sector commander during the London Uprising. I oversaw a unit of less sentient omnics that did the brunt of the work. I was very angry at the human race, but even at the time I felt a twinge of horror at every life we took.

- Deeply regretting my involvement with N/S for a very long time.

- I lived in a tiny ass apartment and I never turned the lights on in it.

- I had a motorcycle.

- Skidding up to someone sort of small and yelling for them to get in my sidecar, then hightailing it tf away from there.

- Sitting at a small round table in what I think was a nightclub, blue and purple strobe lights flashing around the dark room. A door opens and two figures step through, dark silhouettes in front of the bright door opening. The memory skips, and I remember diving to the floor, grabbing at a nearby handgun on the ground.

- For awhile after I left N/S, I kept ripping out my audio detectors during night terrors. After awhile I just left them out, for a pretty long time.

- I knew Sombra fairly well, I remember using her gun.

- Awkwardly standing on the right side of my desk, staring at Sombra, mildly upset, while she spins in my chair.

- One night Sombra showed up in my apartment with no announcement, and convinced me to join Talon. She needed some help from the inside and knew I had a talent for climbing ranks and getting information.
"Theyve got something on me, something I can't get rid of"
I think she was talking about being manipulated into working for Talon.

- During my work with Talon I was trained to be an assassin, and equipped with retractable arm blades.

- I recall a visit to a Talon facility, with sterile, bright white hallways and scientist types walking through it.

- A memory flash of someone grabbing my arm from behind and electrocuting me into unconsciousness.

- After I left Talon, Doomfist found me. In the fight he nearly completely caved in my torso, and while I twitched and sparked on the ground he monologued about how we should've been allies and how weak I was. I was unable to move or speak, and I would have died if I hadn't been rescued.

- Examining the detailed, blue borders on a huge, beautiful gate. There was something important through it. The surrounding city was sandy and smelled like spices and incense.

- Somehow, I ended up joining Overwatch after the recall. There was a huge backlash of people angry that an ex Null Sector, ex Talon omnic was allowed to join. The only person that actively stood up for my right to be there was Tracer.

- Every member in Overwatch avoided me, or felt awkward when I was around, apart from Lena. She pushed for me to be a more active part of the team.

- After some sort of accident or injury, Winstion was repairing my voice modulator. Lena was nearby, chatting and laughing at how funny my voice sounded.

- I had an idea to put Torbjörns turret in my sidecar. Most of the other agents thought it was a good idea, he disagreed.

- I met Zenyatta, he was very polite but that made it even more awkward and unpleasant. I was still too guilty about my past, and felt like I didn't deserve his kind treatment since I had only made things worse for omnics.

- Once, a little girl recognized the overwatch symbol on my arm and ran up to me, gushing about how much she loved and admired the heroes of Overwatch. At the moment I was closed up and awkward, but later on I was so touched that she thought I was someone to admire that I made her a small gift out of spare parts I found lying around and mailed it to her with a little note encouraging her to be a hero too.

- Decepticon Scientist -

SOURCE: IDW Transformers

- I was cold constructed, built to work in the Aerial Corps.

- I never liked my job, and tried to become a scientist.

- In my attempts to be taken seriously, the senate decided I was causing too much of a fuss and subjected me to empurata.

- The beginning of the Decepticon Cause felt righteous, felt worth it.

- Sometime during the war I began considering defection, but any thoughts of being able to successfully escape vanished when the DJD was formed.

- Most of my research was on modifications compatible with cybertronian anatomy and weaponry.

- My attention and passion though was spent on research into possible ways to extend the life of my species, through forms of reproduction or the assimilation of organic species, along with integration of organic and cybertronian anatomy.

- Due to my usefullness to the Cause my hands were restored. I never got my face back though.

- I was kept under close watch by the DJD, Tarn regularly came in to check on progress with my more important projects.

- None of my experiments with converting organics succeeded. The biggest success was a botched half-spark.

- I was highly paranoid about other decepticons sensing or finding proof of my disloyalty.

- Alias -

SOURCE: Backlash

- I had a shaved head underneath that helmet!

- I was a brunette and a Bit heavier than how my artist draws me. (I mean, seriously?? I ate /a lot/ and I ate mostly not healthy food, working out is not gonna get rid of everything)

- Pizza night with Leadfoot, Billy, and someone else i can't quite remember.

- Team Skull Grunt -

SOURCE: Pokemon

- I think my name was Jamie?

- I had curly hair and light blue eyes. I was a bit shorter than average, for a guy, but fairly built. I don’t remember what color my hair was before I dyed it but after I joined Team Skull it was a bright electric blue.

- Having a bad fight with my parents in my late teens. Something about disappointing them and not being the child they wanted me to be. I remember storming out of the house mid argument with my zubat on my shoulder and never coming back. I nursed that hurt and rejection for a long, long time.

- It didn’t take me very long to join up with Team Skull.

- Skull grunts had a much wider variety of dyed hair colors than in the game, though we did always just dye the whole head only one color.

- Most of the sinks and bathtubs were horribly stained all sorts of different colors from all the hair dye.

- HQ had really crap lighting sometimes, lights were either out or creepily flickering.

- The rooftop of HQ was a prime hangout spot.

- Sometime after joining Team Skull a friend visiting from another region gave me their mightyena. I think it was named Shredder. I loved it a lot and usually kept it out of its ball.

- I liked to go on walks with Shredder up a rocky path overlooking the ocean, mostly late at night.

- The bedroom I slept in was really messy, with paint and random crap everywhere. Clothes were all over the floor and trash overflowed the wastebin. The dressers we had were poorly handmade and the makeshift bunkbeds didn’t look particularly safe.

- A pastel blue-haired grunt and a seafoam green-haired grunt once broke their fingers in a skateboarding accident. We didn’t have the money to go to a doctor so we set the bones ourselves.

- Going down to the beach with the team and chilling with a tall, purple haired masc grunt and a pink haired femme grunt.

- Picking on tourists outside the pokemart in Malie City.

- Getting punched by a tourist outside the pokemart in Malie City.

- Destroying the TM shop in Konikoni City for fun w/ a short, chubby girl grunt and a guy grunt w/ green hair. We stole a few TMs but mostly we did it cause the seller pissed us off and wrecking shit was fun.

- Being super over the top with emotional reactions.

- I really, really loved being a part of this team, they were my family.

- Heavy crushing on the Boss.

- Battling an Aether Foundation Employee with a Morelull, and kicking his ass with Shredder.

- The Snatcher -

-wip here!!! still sorting out some vague memories!-

- Venom -

SOURCE: Venom (2018)

- Eddie's body had a tendency to hold on to weight, and after bonding it got even more difficult for him to lose weight, since I didn't particularly care about being chubby. I was keeping his body healthy and didn't really 'get' how weight affected that.

- Initially, Eddie didn't want to reconcile with Anne. He thought that we should let her move on, and was still holding a slight grudge against her defending the Life Foundation. I thought that was stupid. Having bonded with both of them I knew how much they missed each other, and refused to let something like ethics get in the way of Eddies happiness.

- I eventually wore Eddie down, and him and Anne started speaking again, then hanging out. Dan was included many times, and Eddie started to like him too.

- I had difficulty understanding a lot about human health. I kept Eddie up late, refused to eat vegetables, and consumed dubious amounts of things not made for human consumption. This distressed Anne and Dan, who assisted Eddie to finagle me into following ground rules required for human bodily needs.

- I liked eating raw meat, and especially liked eating raw meat using Eddies form. Eddie did Not like eating raw meat with his mouth, but did like it when I ate it using my form, though he did feel gross about liking it.

- Eddie never got over his fear of heights, and kind of mentally clung to me anytime we were up high, but trusted that I would keep us safe.

- I loved being helpful to Eddie, and frequently got overeager doing things I thought he would like. Tugging us to a better vantage point to spy on whoever he was doing a piece on, grabbing something that I thought he'd be interested in, taking over so I could do something faster, etc. He made a fuss about me doing it in public, but wasn't very serious.

- Incubus -

SOURCE: Unknown, N/A

- Heaven and hell weren't afterlifes for humans, just the realms of angels and demons. Humans didn't naturally end up in either place, they had to be taken there for whatever purpose. Usually because they sold their soul, offended an angel or demon, or proved useful.

- The mortal realm was populated by all sorts of monsters, but human society didnt overlap much with monster society and humans were mostly unaware. Think urban legends and folk tales, but with more weight.

- There were more separate realms other than the mortal realm, heaven, and hell, but I didn't pay much attention to what and where they were.

- Dragon -

SOURCE: Unknown, N/A

- A large dragon colored like an abalone shell crouching in front of me. My mother.

- An empty cave filled with stalactites (the points coming down from the ceiling), with several worn down divets on the cave floor, where other dragons had slept. I stood in the largest one where my mother slept, I was still a lot smaller than she had been.

- A girl with brown, twin braids arguing with a vague light brown figure on my right.

- Diving below warm waves to catch fish, snapping at whatever food that was near my head, before arcing my body up to swim back towards the surface.

- My rider running up from behind me and jumping onto the saddle and nudging me with her heels to move forward. I ran and leapt off the castle's wall walk and dove towards the ocean and rocks at the bottom of the cliff below. I pulled back up still quite a ways above the waves and took a moment to admire the sunset and the smell of the ocean.

- A stark white dragon and a deep blue dragon circling each other above light blue waves. The sun high above us glinted off the surface of the shallow water. I watched them distrustfully, skulking on my perch far above on the rocky cliffs.

- Fighting giant spiders invading the castle.

- Some of my memories aren't in color. There are some in grayscale, muted colors that are mostly brown, or the full vibrant range of colors.

- I made a variety of sounds that were like a mixture between bat sounds and bird sounds, including soft cooing and high pitched screeching.

- The flicker of firelight behind closed lids and the smell of a forest. My knight rider leaning against me and a group of people chatting around the fire. Warm, content happiness.

- I remember an elf with freckles and curly, bushy, brown hair about chin length wearing glasses and holding a wooden lute.

- I also remember a very brown dwarf. He wore robes and held a wand in his left hand. Something was shining white behind his head.

- A market filled with the near overwhelming scent of many different spices and sound of many people yelling.

- Crying out in agonizing grief beside my knight's bed as she died of sickness. Curled up as close as I could to her bed but still barely fitting inside her room.